Nigerian Dwarf Goats

The Nigerian Dwarf Goat, while developed in the USA, were bred using West African Dwarf Goats. The Nigerian Dwarf Goat has become very popular as Milk Goats, even though smaller, they have very rich milk, higher in Milk Fat, approx 6.5%.
Just like Miniature Horses are bred to look like horses, no ponies, Nigerian Dwarf Goats were bred to look just like Miniature Milk goats, not Pygmy Goats.
At about 2' tall and up, and weighing the average of 75 pounds, and coming in so many colors, these goats are also very good for smaller farms or people that only want 1 or 2 goats in a small area or pets.
These three, in the photo, are my own Nigerian Dwarf Goats, Walnut, Goblin and Ghost. This was taken 2024-01-16. If you look close at Walnut, the black, you can see we should soon have more Nigerian Dwarf Goats soon. No. We did not know she was bred when we bought her, it is just a bonus.
The contents of this page for Nigerian Dwarf Goats is still under construction. Please check back soon.
-- The Working Goats Team Fri, 17 Jan 2025 17:37:27 +0000